An online multiplayer, FFA FPS developed in Unity. Utilized Photon Network. Players play as a sniper inspired off of Ana from Overwatch with the goal of getting the most kills before the time runs out. Each player also has a dash and a grappling hook that allows players to perform trick shots or reach high points.
Link to Download and Play: Quickshot
Programmed the gun and ADS feature so that players could easily swap between hip fire and scoped fire.
Assisted other programmers with assembling the main menu and finetuning movement abilities.
Implemented killing, damage, and health systems to all players.
Differentiated headshots from body shots programmatically.
Developed an audio manager singleton that could be used to activate any sound effect.
Created a scriptable object that housed all the sound effects to allow for the audio manager to easily reference sound effects.
Collaborated with second audio designer to develop various sound effects such as:
Gunshots (Hip fire, scoped fire)
Movement (Jumping, landing, running)
Dash ability
UI Sounds (button select, hover, super select)
Ammo Low Notification
Headshot Sound
Hit Sounds (Opponent and environmental)
For some sound effects, alternate versions were created for differentiation between originating from the player or an opponent.
Implemented all sound effects into the game with consideration of specialization, occlusion, source, prioritization, and an overall clean mix.