Astral Onslaught
Astral Onslaught
Astral Onslaught Title Image.
2D online multiplayer party fighter made in Unity using Photon Engine. This game is inspired by party fighters such as Super Smash Bros. and astrology. There are different fighters that are designed, both in appearance and in abilities, to play like different astrological symbols. The game can be played between 2 - 4 people.
2D online multiplayer party fighter made in Unity using Photon Engine. This game is inspired by party fighters such as Super Smash Bros. and astrology. There are different fighters that are designed, both in appearance and in abilities, to play like different astrological symbols. The game can be played between 2 - 4 people.
Link to Download and Play: Astral Onslaught
Chosen as a "Photon Engine consultant" based on prior experience and game projects.
Paired programmed tarot card system, which includes the following functionalities:
An abstract base tarot card class that holds an negative effect to be put onto a player
A manager that will randomly choose a tarot card of the number available and apply it to a player that gets a kill
UI that shows what tarot card has been activated and to which player.
Paired programmed UI that had to be synced to all players, such as:
A health bar
Ability cooldowns
Kill counter
Tarot effect indicator
Created a 3-2-1 sequence that only started when all players had loaded in.